Keeping Health Coverage Affordable
We’ve reached a deal with CHI Memorial to keep Blue Network P, Medicare Advantage and BlueCare plans in-network.
Parkridge has joined Erlanger as an official Network S hospital partner. Visit our Parkridge page and Erlanger page to learn more about our Network S partners.
If you are currently a Network S member and receiving care from CHI Memorial for a serious condition, you may have the right to continue in-network treatment from their facilities and providers for a limited time. Your care is important to us at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee. CHI Memorial went out-of-network for our Network S members on July 1, 2024, but we have continuity of care policies in place to help you continue to see your providers.
Read the full article here.
We’ve reached an agreement with CHI Memorial regarding Blue Network PSM, Medicare Advantage and BlueCare that allows these plans to stay in network. However, as of July 1, 2024, CHI Memorial is officially out-of-network for our Blue Network S plans. Erlanger and Parkridge Health System are our official Network S partners.
Here’s what our members need to know about finding care: